Events Coming Up

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23 October - 24 October

What are you missing out on? Follow Events Coming Up

Presented by Music Generation Limerick City

Kaostra is a musical exploration of the teenage realities we don’t like to talk about – bullying, anxiety, anger, intrusive thoughts, dark moods, the need to reach out… These are explored through rap, singing, multimedia, poetry and storytelling.

The performance lasts 30 minutes, followed by an interactive workshop to discuss ideas, build wellbeing skills and identify supports.

This event is designed for all of secondary school age and above.

Kaostra has been developed by a coalition of rappers, singers, producers, instrumentalists and film-makers, shaped and guided by mental health professionals.

It is intended to provide young people navigating adolescence with insights, understanding and empathy around challenges we all face.

Lime Tree Theatre

Mary Immaculate College, Courtbrack Avenue
Limerick, V94 VN26 Ireland